A qualified team of professional certified reporters. We are confident that you will find both our accuracy and quality unmatched.
DIGITALEDGE REPORTING, LLC is a professional and reliable court reporting agency in Florida. We offer attorneys accurate and promptly delivered transcripts in all areas of business. Therefore, our mission is to provide excellent service to our clients, fulfilling their needs on each assignment.
Our Main Services
We have court reporters available for remote depositions, examination under oaths, hearings and meetings. We also have limited reporters available for live proceedings in central Florida for your convenience. Contact us to take advantage of our litigation support services:
DIGITALEDGE REPORTING, LLC is always looking for individuals with motivation, passion for the job, and a desire to learn.
Contact Details
Office Hours
Monday to Friday
9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Closed on Saturdays and Sundays
We are an accessible workplace. Persons with disabilities are welcome to apply.